Richard Millang / Guitars, Vocals
David Mac Wha / Drums
Nathan Guevara / Guitars
Lisa Dewey / Vocals
Bethany Curve formed in 1994 and is from Santa Cruz, California. Murder! is Bethany Curve’s 6th release and their first since 2004. This record is arguably the purest expression of their music, bringing forward even more of Bethany Curve’s signature multi-layered guitar texture and narcotic guitar leads.
The Motto:
Atmosphere | Arrangement | Sound | Layering | Noise


Release Dates
Frontier (digital single) - Now Available!
Dreamland (digital single) - Now Available!
Murder! (CD) - Order Now!
Murder! (limited edition double vinyl) - Order Now!
Murderers! EP - Remixes of Frontier and Dreamland

In your cruiser
I see your smile
Takes me faster
Than you love me
Kill me now
I’m leaving once again
Find me now poison heart
Round I go losing my peaceful mind
I’ve been falling down
Time gave us away
When we lose our life
We’ll be so far apart
You're wearin' the same eyes
They caught me somehow
I'll tell you the same lies
And follow the plan
With sand in my eyelash
A gun in my hand
You knew that upon me, to...
Low beneath the sun
You and I will
Lose our minds
Where the night is warm
And the breeze goes
Hollow on
Time has killed again
With a slow hand
Falling down
So, we stay behind
You it's all for, you it's all...
Now hollow down, old glory
Round solitude, old glory
Now that my nostalgia has me bound
I can't see through anything at all
When will we find better times ahead
That's when all the fear comes over me
Sometimes when the sun's out, nothing dies
And when night comes, we might try
I want you in, lucid dreams
So the sun is with me
You're alive
You're slowing down,
Losin' moments gathering inside
All the time we’ll spend in lust at last
Given how life hurts the ones you love
Soon we'll leave this fucking...
Yeah so long
Now so long
Hold your ground when they come
Raise your hand, bring them down
So all my strength inside
Feels the knife, takes one life
Waste no time, build your life
Leave behind all their lives
Your greyed out soul will die
You’re always on my mind
Now we’ll watch our mouth
When we go there, when we’re with them
Or else we’ll die, just like the rest
Like suicide, we’ll hold our breath and count to…
Now we soon surround
Using indigo nails and brilliantine
Holy hands aground
Taking off into your welcome dreams
As we lay there
We'll wake up
Red shows on the walls
We'll wake up
Can't cut through the seams
They wave us in
They smile and say
You're welcome
You're welcome
These they fold apart, standing in the sand
We'll wake up
Leave me here till June, sometime close to four
Yeah I said we could
We'll wake up
Holy cannons came, knocked us to the ground
Yeah I said they would
When the doors open wide
And the light brings me in
Will you be standing there
With your eyes closing thin
Now it all takes my life today
Oh so I fall into, here it’s when
Round it’s gone, all inside
Now that I feel so drained
That the glow turns to strain
Like the way bitters taste
That’s the life I await
Now it’s all good and true
You are my solution
Fading first fading last
We’ll go round again
Soon before time goes by
My remains open up
Tell the truth give it up
Now we wait for her name
Loud as hell, that we are